Crew Photos
View of wall at Submarine Museum - Groton.
The captain on the bridge, the troubleshooter, and the crew's mess were all taken aboard Billfish.
93 Change of Command: Ben Taylor, Matt Kosnar, Monty Lee, Dave Dorton,Doug Evans (offgoing ENG) ,
John Millard, Tom O'Keefe (oncoming ENG), Kyle White, Rick McCartney, Andrew Wickard (chop)
Little Rick (Villerial, center) and Friends circa 1980
Tim Jernigan below and John Ewanchew above
Sub drivers
Paul Goda - Ready for action
The Billfish SCP is now on display at the Submarine Museum in Groton, although I am still in denial
Byron Youngblood, Lt. Howard Reese & Mikie Melenchensky
M division up on plane (1981)
Rear L to R : Greg VanWey, Jeff Biedenbach, Weisnewski?, Fred Hannify, GRay Carr, Peter D. Davisson, Ron Elsasser?
Front L to R: Chief Hochstetler, ?, Cheif Smith (looks like Brutus with the beard)
(The khaki clad ones were ordered to remain seated to make sure that the saftey line was secure)
This was the emergency diesel generator cleverly disguised for stealth.
Kris Anderson of the commisioning crew looks on, (or doesn't, his eyes are shut)
Billfish Wardroom Portsmouth England 1981
Back row l to r : Captain JC Okeson, XO Tim Guilfoil, Donald Gerry
Front row l to r : half of Howard Reese *, Luke Sanna, Marcus Urioste,
British Liason who wanted to be photographed with real submareeners,
and Dave Johnson
* You can see all of him as the OOD in the 4th photo above
Thanks to George Assard for this award photo of the awards ceremony after 81 Med Run
Front Row (left to right):
Louie Mendez(MS), Ramon Santiago (QM), George Assard (RM), Rick Villareal (A-Gang), Dave Plumb (MS), Mark Baringer(M)
Back Row:
JCO, Urioste, Bruce Cavaretta (RC), Jack Francis (Eng), ?, LT Macowicz, Marcus Harris (FT), Rick Furman (SK), Craig Cogdill (FT), Dick Utley (the choker)(RM), John Snell (RM), Erik Blom (a-gang), Brian Tracy (E), Steve Frazier (M), John Martin (A), Ken Williamson (ST), Steve Barnett (IC), Byron Youngblood (ET), Sam Lavoie (Agang), Judd Stafford, Guilfoil (X0).
RC Division 1981
Top Row L to R: Donny Miller, Eddie Collins, Dave Lemke, Dennis Thayer, Rich Cavaretta
Bottom Row L to R: Dave Ashcraft, Chuck Linden, Brett Dwane , 'Maynard' Hawkins
Mike Kurowski and Al Morin on guitars, Benjy Bertossi behind,
La Spezia Med run '79
Al wrote the lyrics to the Billfish Rag, which became our unofficial anthem It was the song most requested of our on-board musicians.